Aptiv Services Deutschland GmbH, Hildesheim Technical Center

Über das Unternehmen

Our Commitment to Diversity Extends Beyond Recruiting

Aptiv has expanded our presence around the globe, reinforcing our customer-centric tech centers and leveraging our cross-Aptiv scale to create workplace environments that support our industry.

We’re proud of our longstanding support of supplier diversity, especially in the United States, where Aptiv is engaged with national and regional supplier diversity organizations, including the National Minority Supplier Development Council.

We’re driven to create more opportunity for diverse businesses to succeed. Diversity and inclusiveness in our supply chain means more innovation at Aptiv as well as more opportunities in the local communities where our suppliers hire and spend.

Aptiv’s success emanates from a strong, sustainable business that makes the world a better place, a business that is Sustainable by Design.

But Aptiv’s commitment to sustainability goes well beyond our portfolio of safe, green, and connected solutions -- it starts with what powers our business: our people.

Zero fatalities, zero injuries and zero accidents. At Aptiv, safety is more than a guiding principle. Aptiv continues to lead the industry in advanced safety technology and sets itself apart from other technology providers with our highly scalable solutions across multiple vehicle sizes and markets. 
